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8 Simple And Natural Ways To Ease Anxiety In Kids

There are plenty of natural ways that your child can relieve their anxiety that don’t involve adding medications.

8 Simple And Natural Ways To Ease Anxiety In Kids


There are plenty of natural ways to ease anxiety in children that don’t involve medications; many utilize the body to take the mind off of it, like with dancing, running, active play, or using fidget toys.

Retraining the mind with meditation, yoga, and deep breathing can also help reduce anxiety in both children and adults (they’re never too young to learn mindfulness!)

Weighted blankets add deep touch pressure to their little anxious bodies, which can, in turn, calm down their anxious minds.

Did you know?
Yoga has recently begun being taught in many elementary schools all over the country; benefits of yoga in school include improved focus and concentration, reduced stress, and even improved compassion towards other classmates. Namaste, kiddos!

We’ve all experienced the awful feelings of anxiety at some point in our lives, and while it’s no fun for anybody, it can be even worse in kids when they don’t quite know how to cope with it. Luckily, there are plenty of natural ways that your child can relieve their anxiety that don’t involve adding medications.

If you’re an anxious adult, these tips can apply to you, too! From dance parties to deep touch pressure, we’ve got a list of 8 simple ways to ease your child’s anxiety -- most can even be done right now!

Run It Out

While we’re not saying you need to sign your child up for a marathon, partaking in physical activity has been shown to reduce anxiety, in both kids and adults. Kids are born to play, and the increase in technology in recent years has significantly reduced the amount of fun, active playtime that children engage in. Not to mention, using smartphones, tablets, and computers too much can actually contribute more to anxiety.

So, ditching the screens in favor of some good old-fashioned outdoor fun can work wonders to relieve anxiety naturally in your kids (and for parents, too!) Make up a simple obstacle course in the backyard, run a couple of sprints down the driveway, jump on a trampoline, or try your hand at some cartwheels. The more fun you can make it, the better!

Dance It Out

On a related note, having a dance party can be a fun way to get your kid’s heart pumping and release some stress and anxiety. Especially if their anxiety is the jittery kind, blasting their favorite song and dancing together in the living room can be a quick way to ease their anxious feelings. Don’t worry about looking silly, no one’s watching!

dance it out

Photo by Anna Earl on Unsplash

Squeeze It Out

Creating an anti-anxiety toolkit of items that your child can turn to in times of worry is a good way to help them cope with their feelings, especially if you’re not around at the time, like at school. Common items include squeeze balls or stress balls, which can physically and emotionally relieve tension.

Toys you can fidget with are becoming more popular, like bendable and twistable bracelets or small fidget balls. All of these objects can help your child to get their mind off of the anxiety; using their hands can reduce their restlessness. Just make sure the size isn’t a choking hazard for your youngster, please!

Talk It Out

Children can definitely benefit from going to therapy or counseling, especially if they seem to have an extra-bad case of anxiety. Also called cognitive behavioral therapy, a licensed practitioner can help your child to learn how to manage and cope with their feelings, which can be a beneficial lifelong tool.

However, therapy generally isn’t a quick fix; results are usually best when you go routinely for at least a few months. If therapy isn’t available to your child, you as a parent can help them talk things through. Asking your child to try and put words to what they’re feeling and what they are anxious about can allow you to better help them. The power of words and talking is truly therapeutic and can even make your relationship with your child stronger


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Get Crafty

Once again, putting your hands to work can take your mind off of your worries and lessen anxiety. Art therapy is common for many disorders and can take the form of coloring, painting, or just doodling. Other crafts may help as well, depending on what your child is interested in and how old they are.

If you have an older child, crafts you can try with them are scrapbooking, knitting or crocheting, or jewelry making. For the youngins, put some newspaper on the floor or go outside and get fingerpainting!

get crafty

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Get Grounded

To the earth, that is! Grounding, also known as earthing, is both an ancient and modern practice. Our ancestors were always grounding -- they walked barefoot and slept on the earth night after night. Today, we rarely come in direct contact with the natural ground, unless we’re at the beach or barefoot at the park. The benefits of grounding include reduced anxiety and stress and improved sleep.

If you’ve ever spent a day at the beach with your toes in the sand, you probably slept like a baby that night! If you don’t have a beach near you, head to a park and run around barefoot in the grass with your child (don’t forget a quick check for glass or debris!). You’ll both be resting easy afterwards.

Get Mindful

It’s never too early to start practicing deep breathing, meditation, and mindfulness. Teaching kids these practices young can leave them with benefits for life, as even simple belly breathing can calm down the nervous system quickly.

A good way to teach belly breathing to young ones is to have them lie on their back with a favorite stuffed animal resting on their stomach. Teach them to breathe in slowly and watch the animal rise, then breathe out and watch the animal go back down.

Yoga can also be a great way to teach mindfulness -- there are even yoga classes for babies now! Head to YouTube for a plethora of videos made specifically for your child’s age group.

Put Some Pressure On Them (The Good Kind)

Last but not least, we couldn’t complete an anxiety-reducing list without talking about weighted blankets! The beauty of adding some weight or deep pressure onto the body is that a healthy cocktail of helpful hormones gets produced, which leads to a reduction in stress and anxiety. The main hormones that get boosted are serotonin (our happy hormone) and melatonin (our sleep and relaxation hormone). Cortisol, our stress hormone, also gets reduced in this process as well.

If your child tends to be more anxious at home, a weighted blanket for their bedroom is a great way to help them get to sleep and relax during the day. However, if school time or car rides are more stressful for them, you may want to also get a weighted vest or lap pad to help with those anxious times.

While weighted blankets do act like a hug for the whole body, you can also provide some deep pressure yourself by giving your kiddos extra tight hugs and cuddles for even more anxiety reduction!

good pressure

Photo by Xavier Mouton Photographie on Unsplash


What Are The Tips On How To Treat Anxiety In A Child Naturally?

1. Create a safe and supportive environment where your child feels comfortable talking about their feelings.

2. Teach your child simple deep breathing techniques. This can help them calm down when they're feeling anxious.

3. Introduce your child to mindfulness and meditation exercises. There are child-friendly apps and resources available that make these practices engaging and fun.

4. Ensure your child's diet includes foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon and walnuts, which may have a calming effect.

5. Make sure your child gets enough sleep. Lack of sleep can worsen anxiety.

6. Set reasonable limits on screen time, especially before bedtime.

7. Teach your child to use positive affirmations to challenge negative thoughts.

If your child's anxiety persists and significantly affects their daily life, consider consulting a mental health professional who specializes in working with children. Remember, every child is unique, and what works best may vary from one child to another. It's important to tailor your approach to your child's specific needs and preferences.

What Are Natural Anxiety Medications For Children And Teenagers?

When it comes to finding natural ways to help your child with anxiety, there are a few options to consider. However, it is crucial to have a chat with a pediatrician or healthcare professional before you try any herbal or dietary supplements. Here are some natural choices that have been explored for children:

1. Chamomile Tea: Chamomile is like a cozy, calming hug in the form of tea. It can help with relaxation and might be something your child enjoys.

2. Lavender: Imagine the scent of fresh lavender – it's like a fragrant, calming breeze. You can use lavender essential oil in a diffuser in your child's room to create a soothing atmosphere.

3. Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Foods with omega-3s, like salmon, are like little mood boosters. They're good for overall health and might help with anxiety.

4. Valerian Root: Valerian root is like a gentle lullaby for nerves. Some people use it to promote relaxation. But remember, it's super important to talk to a healthcare pro for the right advice.

5. L-Theanine: L-theanine is a fancy name for a soothing amino acid found in tea leaves. It's believed to have a calming effect and is available as a supplement.

6. Melatonin: Melatonin is like the sleep conductor. It helps regulate sleep patterns. Sometimes it's used for anxiety related to sleep issues. But, as always, consult a healthcare pro for the right dosage for your child.

Just remember, natural remedies can work differently for each child. It's all about what suits your child best. So, talk to a healthcare provider, keep those lines of communication open with your little one, and you'll find the right path to tackle anxiety together!

What Causes Anxiety In Children?

Anxiety in children can sprout from various sources, and it's as unique as each child's personality. Here are some common culprits:

1. Stressful Events: Life can be full of changes and challenges, and kids can get anxious when they face new schools, moving homes, or family disruptions.

2. Academic Pressure: The demands of school, tests, and homework can sometimes make children feel overwhelmed and stressed.

3. Social Situations: Friendships, bullying, and peer pressure are often playgrounds for anxiety to appear.

4. Family Dynamics: Family issues, like conflicts at home or parental separation, can trigger anxiety in kids.

5. Health Concerns: Worries about illness, whether their own or someone they care about, can lead to anxiety.

6. Overstimulation: In our tech-driven world, too much screen time, exposure to disturbing news, or a hectic daily schedule can be anxiety triggers.

7. Genetics: Sometimes, anxiety can have a genetic component. If a family member has anxiety, children might be more prone to it.

8. Trauma: Experiencing or witnessing traumatic events can usually lead to persistent struggles with anxiety.

9. Innate Personality: Some children are simply more prone to anxiety due to their innate temperament.

It's important to remember that it's okay for kids to feel anxious at times. It's a natural response to life's ups and downs. However, when anxiety starts to affect their daily life or causes distress, seeking support and understanding the underlying causes is crucial. A caring and understanding environment can make a world of difference for your child's well-being.

What Are Some Child Anxiety Treatments At Home?

There are certain practices that you may adopt to ensure that your child’s anxiety is manageable at home. Some of these include.

1. Encourage your child to share their worries without judgment.

2. Teach them deep breathing and mindfulness exercises for calming.

3. Stick to a consistent daily schedule to provide stability.

4. Promote balanced nutrition, regular exercise, and enough sleep.

5. Set healthy boundaries for screen use.

6. Encourage positive distractions like hobbies and games.

7. Celebrate small achievements to boost their confidence.

8. Create a peaceful and cozy space in their room.

9. Spend quality time together to build a sense of safety.

10. Show them how to cope with stress by your example.

How Can I Help A Teen With Anxiety?

A lot happens when children get into their teens. Adolescence is a period characterized by a lot of hormone changes, which affect how they feel. So, supporting a teenager with anxiety is like being their anchor in a stormy sea. Here's how you can help:

1. Let them know you're there to listen and understand.

2. Consider involving a therapist or counselor who specializes in teenage anxiety.

3. Promote balanced nutrition, regular exercise, and sufficient sleep.

4. Limit screen time because excessive screen use can contribute to anxiety.

5. Teach stress-reduction techniques like deep breathing, meditation, or yoga.

6. Help them discover or pursue hobbies and interests. This can provide a positive distraction and boost self-esteem.

7. Ensure they have a calming environment, especially in their room.

8. Encourage them to maintain friendships and social connections. Being with friends can alleviate feelings of isolation.

9. Acknowledge and celebrate their accomplishments, no matter how small. Positive reinforcement builds confidence.

10. Show them how you cope with stress. Being a role model can teach them valuable life skills.

Remember, teens may struggle with finding their own identity, and it's normal for anxiety to surface during this period. It helps to be patient, supportive, and involved in their journey to manage anxiety effectively.

What Are Some Tips For Natural Anxiety Relief?

Are you looking for a natural treatment for anxiety? Here are more tips that will work for most people, regardless of age:

1. Practicing mindfulness to stay in the present moment and reduce anxious thoughts.

2. Use soothing scents like lavender or chamomile to create a calming atmosphere.

3. Enjoy a cup of herbal tea with ingredients like valerian root, chamomile, or lemon balm, known for their anxiety-reducing properties.

4. Engage in physical activity to release endorphins, the body's natural stress relievers.

5. Write down your thoughts and worries to help process and release them.

6. Tense and release each muscle group in your body to alleviate physical tension.

7. Reduce caffeine intake, as it can increase anxiety.

8. Practice deep, slow breathing to calm the nervous system.

9. Incorporate yoga into your routine for its calming and grounding effects.

10. Spend time doing things you love, whether it's art, music, gardening, or any other creative outlet.