Home / Blog June 07, 2024 Updated on June 10, 2024

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20 Couple Sleeping Positions To Try

Discover multiple couple sleeping postures that you and your partner can try to optimize sleep health and intimacy.

couple sleeping positions


It is natural for couples to try multiple sleeping positions throughout the night.

Certain sleeping positions can be better depending on you and your partner’s needs.

Communicate openly with your partner about issues that may be affecting your sleep. 

Did you know?
It’s been reported that some members of the British royal family choose to sleep in separate bedrooms. This practice is not uncommon among royal couples and has historical roots in maintaining privacy and decorum!

Ever wondered what your favorite sleeping position says about your relationship? Whether you’re a cozy cuddler or a solo sleeper, in this blog, you’ll find details about the most common couple sleeping positions and what they could be hinting at.

Let’s dive in!

What Do Different Couple Sleeping Positions Mean?

Here are the most popular couple sleeping positions along with their descriptions and what they might symbolize about your relationship:

1. Spooning

In the spooning posture, the big spoon is the partner whose arms are wrapped around the second partner as both face the same direction. This often signifies a protective and nurturing dynamic from the big spoon. The little spoon, on the other hand, is typically someone who enjoys feeling secure and loved.

2. Face-to-Face

When nuzzling, both partners face each other and may touch noses or foreheads as they sleep. This indicates intimacy, strong emotional connection, and a desire for closeness. Sometimes, you may prefer a slight distance even though you’re facing each other. This usually suggests a desire for connection while still maintaining personal space.

3. Back-to-Back

If your backs are touching, this could reflect independence and comfort within the relationship, while still maintaining a bond. If apart, this might imply comfort and trust in the relationship, allowing for personal space.

4. Leg Hug

This is when one partner’s leg drapes over the other partner’s legs. Most people believe that this gesture shows a blend of independence and intimacy, with a desire to stay connected.

5. The Tangle

In this position, both partners sleep entangled, with legs and arms wrapped around each other. This signifies intense passion and emotional dependence, often seen in new or rekindled relationships.

6. The Starfish and the Tetherball

Here, one partner lies spread out like a starfish, while the other curls up around them. Variations of this couple pose could indicate that one partner is more dominant or takes up more space, while the other is more dependent or accommodating.

7. The Sweetheart’s Cradle

This is one of the most popular sleeping poses for couples, where one partner lies on their back while the other rests their head on the partner’s chest or shoulder. The sweetheart’s cradle often indicates deep trust, protection, and a nurturing relationship.

8. The Pillow Talk

It’s all in the name – here, both partners lie on their sides facing each other, often talking before falling asleep. Unsurprisingly, this sleeping pose suggests open communication between partners.

9. The Liberty

This is when both partners sleep on their backs or sides, not touching, enjoying their own space. The liberty position often reflects a mature relationship where both partners are secure and comfortable with their independence.

10. The Cliffhanger

Being more popular than you’d think, in the cliffhanger, one partner lies on the edge of the bed, often facing away from the other, who may also be on the edge on the opposite side. This could indicate a need for space or a sense of detachment or unresolved conflict.

11. The Shingles

In this position, both partners lie on their back, and similar to the sweetheart’s cradle, one partner places their head on the other partner’s shoulder. This could indicate a sense of mutual understanding that one partner typically assumes a protective role.

12. The Chasing Spoon

It’s almost like the spoon, except here, one partner curls up and moves to the edge of the bed, while the other moves closer to spoon them. This position indicates a dynamic where one partner seeks space, while the other craves closeness and pursues intimacy.

13. The Lovers' Knot

Similar to the tangle, in this pose, both partners sleep facing each other with arms and legs intertwined. This position usually signifies deep emotional connection and mutual dependence.

14. The Unraveling Knot

It is natural for partners to start the night tangled up but eventually separate into more comfortable positions. The unraveling knot is said to reveal a balance of closeness and independence, with the ability to find comfort both together and apart.

15. The Stomach Snoozer

This is when one or both partners sleep on their stomachs, possibly with a hand or arm touching the other. This position indicates a sense of independence and a preference for personal comfort, with subtle displays of intimacy.

16. The Paper Dolls

In this position, both partners sleep on their backs with their arms at their sides, possibly touching. This could reflect a sense of equality and comfort within the relationship, with minimal physical contact.

17. The Space Hog

Like the name suggests, here, one partner takes up a significant amount of space, sprawling out, while the other adjusts accordingly. This may indicate imbalance in the relationship, with one partner being more dominant or assertive.

18. The Cat's Cradle

In this position, partners sleep in a loose embrace with slight contact, such as touching feet or hands. This could suggest a comfortable relationship with a balance of independence and intimacy.

19. The Yin-Yang

This is when partners sleep facing each other in a fetal position with their knees touching, creating a yin-yang shape. Naturally, this position could be reflecting harmony and balance in the relationship.

20. The Overbody

In this position, one person lies flat on their back, looking up at the ceiling, while the other partner lies on top. This position is popular for snuggling, but the partner on the bottom might begin to feel uncomfortable. Some suggest that if you're the one on top, it might imply a desire for attention and protection from your partner.

In light of all these couple sleeping positions, let’s consider how to ensure that you and your partner are snoozing comfortably in whatever position you opt for!


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How to Sleep With Your Partner Comfortably

Here are useful tips on how to make the most of any of the above couple sleeping positions:

1. Choose the Right Mattress: A queen or king-size mattress provides ample space for both partners to move without disturbing each other’s sleep. Look for a mattress with good motion isolation, which reduces the transfer of movement across the bed. This feature is especially beneficial if one partner is a light sleeper or moves frequently during sleep.

2. Experiment with Sleeping Positions: Finding the ideal sleeping position can significantly enhance comfort. Experiment with various positions such as spooning, back-to-back, and face-to-face, which are among the most popular couple sleeping poses.

3. Accommodate Different Preferences: It’s common for partners to have different preferences when it comes to bedding. Consider using separate sheets or blankets if one partner prefers a different weight or warmth level. This allows each person to adjust their bedding according to their individual comfort needs without compromising the other’s sleep quality. Similarly, choose pillows that cater to each partner’s firmness preferences to ensure proper neck and head support during sleep.

4. Establish a Consistent Bedtime Routine: A bedtime routine helps signal to your body that it’s time to wind down and prepare for sleep. Engage in calming activities such as reading a book, taking a warm bath, or practicing relaxation exercises like deep breathing or meditation. Avoid stimulating activities such as using electronic devices or engaging in intense physical exercise close to bedtime, as these can interfere with your ability to fall asleep

Next, let’s consider if there are specific couple sleeping positions that are more beneficial than others.

Are Certain Couple Sleeping Positions Better for Health?

Are Certain Couple Sleeping Positions Better for Health?

Yes, certain sleeping poses can be better for health depending on you and your partner’s individual needs and preferences. Here are some considerations:

1. Back-to-Back: Sleeping back-to-back can be beneficial for those who prefer a degree of independence and personal space while still feeling connected to their partner. It can also help reduce disturbances from movements during sleep, which can be beneficial for light sleepers.

2. Side Sleeping (Face-to-Face or Spooning): Side sleeping positions like face-to-face or spooning can promote intimacy and emotional connection. Physical touch releases oxytocin, the “love hormone,” which can reduce stress and promote relaxation. This can be particularly beneficial for overall mental and emotional well-being.

3. Pillow Between Knees: Placing a pillow between the knees when side sleeping can help align the spine and reduce pressure on the lower back and hips. This alignment can be beneficial for those who suffer from back pain or joint discomfort.

4. Supported Back Sleeping: Some couples find comfort in lying on their backs with a pillow under their knees or lower back. This position can help alleviate pressure on the spine and promote better alignment, reducing the risk of back pain.

5. Sleep Aids: Using a weighted blanket can provide deep pressure stimulation, which has been shown to reduce anxiety and improve sleep quality. Our Huggers, for instance, are king size and queen size weighted blankets that cover the entire bed and provide gentle pressure curated for two sleepers.

6. Maintaining Comfortable Temperature: Keeping the bedroom at a comfortable temperature (typically between 60-67°F or 15-19°C) can promote better sleep quality for both partners. Adjusting bedding or using separate sheets or blankets if one partner tends to sleep hotter or colder can also contribute to overall comfort.

7. Avoiding Positions that Strain Neck or Shoulders: Certain sleeping positions, such as sleeping with the head twisted or arm under the pillow, can strain the neck and shoulders. Avoiding these positions or using supportive pillows can help prevent discomfort and promote better sleep quality.

Ultimately, the best couple sleeping position for health is one that promotes comfort, relaxation, and quality sleep for both partners. It’s essential to communicate openly with your partner about preferences and any health-related issues that may affect sleep. In the next section, we share some tips on how to do so!

How to Communicate with Your Partner about Sleeping Positions

Here are some tips on how to approach this conversation:

1. Choose the Right Time and Setting: Initiate the conversation at a neutral time when you’re both relaxed and not rushed. Choose a private setting where you can speak openly without distractions.

2. Express Your Feelings and Needs: Start by expressing how important quality sleep is for you and how certain sleeping positions may impact your ability to rest well. Use "I" statements to convey your feelings and needs without sounding accusatory. For example, "I feel more comfortable when..." or "I find it easier to sleep when..."

3. Listen Actively: Encourage your partner to share their preferences and concerns about sleeping positions. Practice active listening by giving your full attention, paraphrasing what they say to ensure understanding, and asking clarifying questions if needed.

4. Discuss Preferences and Compromise: Share your preferences for sleeping positions and discuss any discomfort or issues you experience with certain positions. Be open to compromising and finding a position that works for both of you. This may involve trying out different positions or making adjustments to accommodate each other's needs.

5. Problem-Solve Together: Brainstorm solutions together to address any challenges you face with sleeping positions. This could include using pillows for support, adjusting bedding, or trying new sleeping positions. Focus on finding practical solutions that prioritize both partners' comfort and sleep quality.

6. Be Patient and Understanding: Understand that adjusting to new sleeping habits or positions may take time. Be patient with each other and supportive as you work together to find the best sleeping arrangement.

7. Revisit the Conversation as Needed: Sleep preferences and needs may change over time due to various factors such as health conditions, stress levels, or lifestyle changes. Revisit the conversation periodically to ensure that your sleeping arrangement continues to meet both partners' needs effectively.

8. Seek Professional Help if Needed: If you or your partner have persistent sleep-related issues or concerns that you're unable to resolve on your own, consider seeking advice from a healthcare professional or sleep specialist. They can provide personalized recommendations and strategies to improve sleep quality and address any underlying sleep disorders or conditions.


Exploring different couple sleeping positions isn’t just about finding comfort; it’s a journey into understanding intimacy, communication, and connection in your relationship. Whether you prefer to cuddle close or enjoy your own space, each position reveals unique insights that can strengthen your bond and enhance your shared sleep experience.