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Is The Yearner A Good Sleeping Position?

As you consider trying different sleep positions, the yearner might have popped up on your radar. But, does this mean you should go ahead and try it? Read on to find out.



The yearner sleep position helps your airways stay open, therefore reducing snoring.

This sleeping pose is especially great for pregnant women and people with acid reflux.

Sleeping in the yearner position can increase pressure on certain organs, such as the lungs and heart.

Did you know?
The yearner position gets its name because it resembles the posture of someone reaching out or yearning for something!

Ever wondered how to make side-sleeping more comfortable? Then the yearner sleep position might be just what you need! Being equal parts cozy and curious, this position offers multiple benefits, if you’re looking for a way to stretch out your body as you rest!

Let’s dive in!

What Is The Yearner Sleeping Position?

The yearner position is when you lie on your side with your arms stretched out in front of you, resembling the posture of reaching out to something – yearning! A signature move with yearner sleepers is having either one or both of the legs slightly bent to provide extra support for the back. Compared to other sleeping positions, the yearner is actually quite popular and many sleepers report several benefits, such as the ones we discuss in the next section!

Benefits of The Yearner Position

You may opt for this sleeping posture simply because it feels cozy, but there are also other benefits to enjoy:

Reduced snoring and sleep apnea symptoms

Sleeping on your side, as in the yearner position, helps to keep your airways open, therefore reducing the likelihood of snoring. This means the yearner position can be an excellent way to relieve symptoms of sleep apnea, such as choking and gasping while you’re sleeping.

Proper spinal alignment

Sleeping on your side can help promote proper spinal alignment, especially if you use a supportive sensory pillow between your knees to keep your hips securely together.

Improved digestive health

Some research studies reported by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) suggest that sleeping on your left side, which is common in the yearner position, may aid digestion and reduce acid reflux symptoms.

Comfort for pregnant women

The yearner position is often recommended for pregnant women as it can help improve blood circulation and reduce pressure on the uterus and other organs.

Relief for those with back pain

Sleeping on your side reduces pressure on the spine, especially when you place a body pillow like our Cuddler between your knees. The Cuddler is ergonomically designed to hold the weight of your limbs and head as you rest on it, taking the tension off your joints and relieving pressure from your back and neck. It is also approved by the American Chiropractic Association!

Most yearner sleepers report these benefits (and more!), but others have reported downsides from trying this position. In the next section, let’s take a look at what some of these disadvantages of the yearner sleep position are!


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Disadvantages Of The Yearner Position

While the yearner position offers several benefits, it also comes with some downsides for certain sleepers:

Shoulder and arm discomfort

Stretching your arms out in front of you in the yearner position can lead to shoulder and arm discomfort, especially if you maintain this position for the entirety of your sleep duration. Some people may even experience numbness or tingling in their arms and hands due to restricted blood flow.

Developing facial wrinkles

Regularly sleeping in the yearner position can cause increased pressure on one side of your face, which may contribute to the development of facial wrinkles over time, especially around the eyes and mouth.

Increased pressure on organs

Sleeping on your side can increase pressure on certain organs, such as the lungs and heart, particularly if you sleep with your arms stretched out in front of you. This is why sleep experts recommend opting to sleep on your left, instead of your right… in order to ease the pressure on your organs.

Limited movement

Maintaining the yearner position throughout the night may restrict your ability to shift positions and find a comfortable sleeping posture, leading to restless sleep and frequent waking.

In light of these disadvantages, it’s crucial to listen to your body when deciding if the yearner position is worth a try. In the next section, we share qualities that you may use as a checklist to weigh if this is the position for you!

Who Is The Yearner Position Best For?

Who Is The Yearner Position Best For?

The yearner sleeping position can be especially beneficial for certain groups of people:

Snorers and those with sleep apnea

Many sleep experts recommend that you sleep on your left side if you tend to snore at night or experience symptoms like waking up gasping for breath. This is often indicative of obstructive sleep apnea, which could significantly impact your sleep quality!

Pregnant women

The yearner position is also often recommended for pregnant women as it can help improve blood circulation and reduce pressure on the uterus and other organs. Additionally, sleeping on the left side especially, which is common in the yearner position, may enhance blood flow to the fetus and placenta. It helps to have a pregnancy body pillow for extra support.

People with acid reflux

As we discussed briefly above, there is lots of scientific evidence showing that sleeping on your left side helps reduce symptoms of acid reflux keeping you up at night. In the yearner position especially, your stomach rests more gently, thus preventing stomach acid from flowing back up your food pipe, the esophagus.

People with back pain

If you’re wondering, say, how to relieve tailbone pain, then the yearner position is definitely worth a try! This position is particularly comfortable for those with lower back pain because lying on your side allows your spine to stay aligned, relieving it of tension and pressure.

So, what if you don’t fall in any of these categories of people, should you still try the yearner position? Absolutely! Let’s see why in the next section!

Should I Try The Yearner Position?

If you’re curious about trying the yearner position and you don’t have any preexisting conditions that may be aggravated by sleeping on your side, there’s no harm in giving it a try! Many people find this pose comfortable and conducive to a good night’s rest. Here are a few things to consider before trying it:

1. Optimal comfort: Experiment with the yearner position to see if it feels comfortable for you. Consider using a supportive pillow between your knees to keep your hips aligned and reduce pressure on your lower back.

2. Ease of breathing: Make sure you can breathe comfortably while lying on your side. If you find it difficult to breathe or experience any discomfort in your chest or airways, the yearner may not be the best position for you

3. Medical conditions: If you have any preexisting health conditions, such as shoulder pain, hip pain, or certain respiratory conditions, it’s a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional before trying the yearner position to ensure it won’t exacerbate your symptoms.

In a world of many different sleep positions, finding one that is right for you is often a matter of trial and error – and that’s okay! If you do choose to try the yearner, in the next section, we offer tips and tricks on how to maximize the benefits of the position while steering clear of the downsides.

How To Sleep Well In The Yearner Position

How To Sleep Well In The Yearner Position

If you prefer sleeping in the yearner position and want to ensure a restful night’s rest, here are some tips to help you sleep well:

Support your spine

Use a supportive body pillow that conforms to the natural curve of your neck and spine to maintain proper spinal alignment while sleeping on your side. You may also find it helpful to place a small bolster pillow between your knees to keep your hips aligned and reduce pressure on your lower back

Adjust your pillow height

Experiment with different pillow heights to find the most comfortable position for your head and neck. Ideally, your pillow should keep your head in a neutral position without tilting too far forward or backward.

Relax your arms

When sleeping in the yearner position, try to keep your arms relaxed and avoid extending them too far in front of you, as this can lead to shoulder and arm discomfort. Instead, keep your arms close to your body.

Choose the right mattress

A supportive mattress can help distribute your body weight evenly and provide adequate support for your spine while sleeping on your side. Consider investing in a mattress that offers the right level of firmness and conforms to your body’s contours.

Create a comfortable sleep environment

Make your bedroom conducive to sleep by keeping it cool, dark, and quiet. Use blackout curtains or an eye mask to block out light, and use earplugs or a white noise machine to mask any disruptive noises.

Use Sleep aids

To maximize the benefits of your yearner pose even further, consider supplementing your slumber with sleep aids like weighted blankets. Our Cotton Napper, for instance, has an even weight distribution which provides Deep Touch Pressure (DTP) as you sleep. DTP has been linked to an increase in the production of melatonin, the sleep hormone, leading to deeper and more restful sleep.

Practice relaxation techniques

Engage in relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, or gentle stretching before bedtime to help calm your mind and prepare your body for sleep. This will ensure that you’re not too tense when resting, reducing the likelihood of waking up with shoulder and neck stiffness.

Maintain a consistent sleep schedule

Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends, to regulate your body’s internal clock and improve sleep quality. If you wake up feeling tired and groggy after trying the yearner position, this could have less to do with your posture and more to do with your sleep schedule.

If the yearner position doesn’t work for you, don’t be discouraged – there are many other sleep positions to try. Ultimately, the best sleep position is one that allows you to feel comfortable and wake up feeling refreshed in the morning.

Next, let’s see what you need to look out for to know that it’s time to choose another sleep position.

When To Choose A Different Sleeping Position

Choosing a different sleeping position from the yearner can be necessary based on various factors such as comfort, health conditions, and personal preference. Here are some situations where you might consider switching to a different sleeping position:

Back discomfort

If you experience discomfort or pain in the yearner position, particularly in your lower back area, it might be worth trying a different position. For instance, if you find that sleeping on your side aggravates tailbone pain, you might try sleeping on your back with a pillow under your knees for extra support.

Persistent snoring or worsening sleep apnea

While the yearner position can help reduce snoring and alleviate mild sleep apnea symptoms for some sleepers, it may not be effective for everyone. If you or your sleep partner notice persistent snoring or signs of sleep apnea while sleeping in the yearner position, it might be worth trying a different position, such as sleeping on your stomach instead.

Waking up with a stiff neck

If you experience neck pain or stiffness, sleeping in the yearner position with your arms outstretched in front of you may exacerbate the problem by putting pressure on your shoulders and neck. In such cases, sleeping on your back with a bolster pillow under your neck and head or using a contoured pillow designed to support the natural curve of your neck may be more beneficial.

Numbness or tingling in arms or legs

Experiencing numbness in your arms and legs while sleeping in the yearner position could indicate excessive pressure or strain on your limbs. This discomfort may stem from restricted blood circulation, nerve compression, or muscle tension. Changing your sleeping position can alleviate this pressure, prevent further discomfort, and improve your overall sleep quality.

If the yearner position causes any of these discomforts, don’t hesitate to try different positions until you find one that works best for your needs. But if you naturally tend to sleep in this position… could it be because of your personality?

Let’s talk about this next!

What Does The Yearner Position Say About My Personality?

While some people believe that sleeping positions may offer insights into personality traits, there’s limited scientific evidence to support such claims. But, some proponents of these theories suggest that the yearner sleeping position may reflect certain personality characteristics, mainly:

1. Openness to new experiences: The yearner position, with arms outstretched as if reaching for something, might be interpreted as a sign of openness to new experiences and opportunities. People who sleep in this position may be curious, adventurous, and receptive to change.

2. Suspicious and cynical: The yearner sleep position also somewhat resembles creating space, or some sort of defense, between you and someone in front of you. This position may suggest a subconscious inclination to protect oneself or be guarded, reflecting underlying feelings of mistrust or skepticism towards people.

These interpretations are not based on peer-reviewed scientific evidence, so it is best to remember that your sleeping position is unlikely to offer reliable insights into your personality trait. Personality is complex and multifaceted, and it’s shaped by a wide range of factors beyond sleeping habits.


The yearner position offers a unique blend of comfort and potential benefits, but… it may not be suitable for every single sleeper! Whether you’re drawn to this position’s embrace or choose to go for another sleep posture, quality nightly rest is always a top priority.

It is always best to experiment with different sleeping positions until you find what works best for your body. And when in doubt, enlist personalized advice from a healthcare professional.